Time for a sabbatical

This year has really taken a toll on me. Emotionally, spiritually, physically, professionally, financially and existentially. I am eternally grateful for all the support my loved ones continually show me, and especially when I’m feeling drained and defeated.

It’s time for a sabbatical. Not a vacation. That wouldn’t be enough. I’m talking extended time off, completely detached from work, submerged in a different country, a different culture, speaking a different language. I will be gone all of this September. So respectfully, please don’t try to reach me. LOL. I’m not bringing a laptop. I will be practicing being present in the moment and trying to forget I have a phone.

What is a sabbatical?

In researching the word sabbatical, I learned what makes it so different from a vacation. Although the word is used in religious journeys, it’s more of a multi-phased personal transformational process. And some of these phases have made a presence in my recent tarot readings. Not necessarily in any particular order: Release. Rest. Reflect. Re-Align. Re-engage.

About the trip

This trip has been numerous years in the making. Right when I came back from my last European adventure in 2019 I started thinking about where I wanted to go next time I visited. My cousin Brooke and I pinned articles, made maps, connected with family in Southern Italy and researched hundreds of towns and rentals. The pandemic postponed our plans, but gave us more time to plan and save up for such epic adventures ahead.

Like every time I fly over the big pond, my first stop will be with my childhood bestie in Bristol, UK. After some time with her family, I’ll be stealing her for a long weekend in Edinburgh. We have an abundance of witchery to get into. I’ve also booked us falconry lessons at Dalhousie Castle.

From there, I’ll meet with family in Rome and eventually join the rest of the family in Cosenza, where my Nonno is from. I’m beyond excited to meet my cousins and visit Southern Italy for the first time. The last portion of my sabbatical will take place in Syracuse, Sicily, where my Nonna is from. The seaside villa we rented is an absolute dream. We don’t know much about my grandmother’s remaining family members besides the ones we visited in 2019 up in Northern Italy. So my cousin and I are on a quest to uncover anything we can about our Sicilian roots while we’re physically there.

Apothecary on hiatus

While I’m away this September, checking out on my apothecary shop site will be disabled. But once I’m back, I’m really looking forward to debuting some new products, a new look for packaging and the new Lady J x Redrum line.

Lady J Apothecary

Paused music projects

I’ve been making it a point to spend more time in my music studio more frequently. Disrupting this momentum won’t be ideal. But I’m sure I’ll be able to get some really great samples in all of the places I’ll be, which is more fuel for creativity when I’m back at it.

Not long ago, I snagged an original copy of a record titled “Tales of Witches, Ghosts and Goblins” told by Vincent Price. If any of you have ever listened to my music before, you may have noticed some samples of the “King of Horror” himself. I’ve been fascinated with him since the very first time I watched Edward Scissorhands. I have a new track with samples from this newly acquired record. It will be ready to release just in time for spooky season. I used part of it for my collab debut with Redrum, so no leaks yet until her product line is out!

Yvng Tavo and I are still cooking up a collab, too. I’ve been playing flute and providing vocals on his recent releases. We’re conceptualizing an EP to be released this winter. Tavo, Ryan Celsius Sounds producer and songwriter, will be traveling to various locations in South America, Africa and Europe to work on a music documentary film called “We Are” over the next month. I’ll be co-producing the film and providing music for the soundtrack.

For now, so long. Cio’e…addio! Ci vediamo in autunno.

Janelle Iaccino